Monday 29 July 2013

Lessons I have learnt in life

Recently I have been trying to appreciate the little things in life. Today I am writing this post remind myself of things I have learnt and maybe even inspire others to do the same. We learn best from our mistakes.

Lesson number 1:
When something is written down the tone in which you wrote it can be lost.

This is something I learnt back in primary school. I remember my group of friends wrote a letter to our teacher saying we didn’t like the way that he favoured other students in the class (It didn’t turn out well. Not my proudest primary school moment). Moral of the story if you have something important to tell someone try and do it in person or over the phone (gasp! Actually talking to someone rather than texting them!). When you are actually speaking to a person there is opportunity to listen and also to explain what your view.

Lesson number 2:
Sometimes it is better to relax and go with the flow.

I must admit up until this year I was terrible with just being patient and seeing how things turned out. I always planned things way in advance not leaving anything to chance. It would always make me slightly uncomfortable when someone says ‘let’s just meet up at … and see what we feel like doing’ because how am I supposed to know if I should bring my swimmers or my running shoes? I think this is why I have such a big and heavy handbag, I’m prepared for everything. When I was younger and stressing about something (usually dance) mum would recite a verse from Desiderata a poem by Max Ehrmann:

‘You are a child of the universe,
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.’

I found the last line of this poem comforting. Over the last year the relaxed approach to life of my friends and boyfriend has rubbed off on me. Something just clicked in my brain that not everything had to be planned. Surprisingly my favourite memories from this year have been the ones where there were no plans.

Lesson number 3:
Assignments or projects of any kind should not be left to the last minute.

I learnt this lesson many, many years ago but after 13 years at school and 3.5 years at uni I am still not able to get things done in advance (for example writing this post rather than the nutrition presentation I am giving on Sunday). I tell myself it is just because I need the pressure of the deadline being a day or an hour away to do my best work.

Lesson number 4:
Attitude is everything.

I find when I start my day with a positive attitude I am more likely to have a good day. If I have a determined attitude before going out for a run I will push myself to run that little bit harder. Changing your attitude is easier said than down but it is worth the effort.

I hope you have had a great day,
Bridget x

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